Bob Lane, President of the IFSC, which is in Official Relations with the WHO, attends the WHA each year. 2017 is an important milestone for all those who supported Resolution 68.15 that was passed unanimously in 2015. Dr Walt Johnson, WHO Lead, Emergency & Essential Surgical Care Programme will be delivering his first Report detailing what has been achieved over the past two years in terms of implementation.
IFSC is in discussion with a number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa with regard to extending our scope for surgical education and training Courses/Workshops and also in data collection systems.
Leading up to the World Health Assembly IFSC was a co signatory together with eight other Colleges etc. to a letter from the Royal College Of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow to Professor Dame Sally Davies, UK Chief Medical Officer asking that during the 70th WHA the UK delegation advocates strongly for a strengthening of WHO efforts towards improved access to safe, affordable essential surgical and anaesthetic care.